
The CMU 斯温尼音乐学院 holds several festivals 和 music camps on the Fayette campus throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to attend the public performances for each event.

黄铜邀请赛: 2024年4月4日. The 斯温尼音乐学院 invites you to the CMU Brass Invitational. 在这次活动中, outst和ing brass instrumentalists in grade 9-12 will have the opportunity to work with our experienced CMU faculty 和 guest clinicians to strengthen your technique 和 musical skills. There will be opportunities to learn more about the music program at CMU, 与招生人员会面, 花时间和我们的学生在一起.



国家节日辅导周: The faculty at CMU have over 100 years of experience in preparing students for State Music Festival 和 this year we want to help you! 加入我们的国家节日教练周 4月15 - 19 和 spend time working with knowledgeable teachers who have helped hundreds of students prepare successful performances at State.

音乐夏令营: 2024年7月9日至11日. Join middle school 和 high school musicians for the annual Central Methodist University Summer Music Camp. Check back in April 2024 for application deadlines 和 more information. 夏令营面向7-12年级的学生开放. 学生将参加乐队和/或合唱团, 有趣的音乐活动, 并与经验丰富的专业音乐家的会议. 更多信息请发电子邮件 finearts@chinajxcar.com.



乐队: 2024年10月12日. 这个事件, designed to be an educational experience for students 和 directors, 将包括街道, 场, 室内Drumline, 以及室内护卫比赛. CMU B和 Day is a MSHSAA-sanctioned event with schools classified per MSHSAA Official School Enrollment Information. 注册仅限于前40所学校. 




“Coro Profundo”高中男低音音乐节 9月21日, 2023. The CMU Coro Profundo Festival is an event designed to inject excitement into your high school tenor-bass students early in the school year with a festival choir experience. 设计成一个包容性的, non-auditioned festival choir experience for tenor-bass singers in grades 9-12, the event will give students the opportunity to work with CMU music faculty with the goal of helping to foster a life-long love of singing with others. 节日在早上八点半开始.m. 最后是下午三点的音乐会.m. Registration (use the link below) includes music, lunch, 和 a t-shirt.



嘉宾及开幕音乐会: 2023年9月27日. Our 2023 guest artist will be internationally-acclaimed electric flute phenom Melissa Keeling! The program will kick off with a 音乐会 on Wednesday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. 在CMU费耶特校区的礼堂里. 在长笛论坛上,李博士. 基林将教授有关电子音效的课程, 循环的机器, 即兴创作, 以及音乐产业的企业家精神.

长笛论坛: 9月28日, 2023. CMU flute professor Lisa Thill Franck will cover topics on the full spectrum of flute-playing, from Baroque Era (traverso) to the 21st-century Gliss和o Flute. Attendees will learn about essential traditional flute techniques like tone production 和 colors, 颤音, 语调, 清晰度, 手的位置, 和姿势. The 长笛论坛 will also touch on extended techniques like harmonics, 吹口哨的音调, 风沙(残余)色调, 喉咙调优, multiphonics, microtonalism, 循环呼吸. 长笛论坛从早上9:30开始.m. 到下午4点.m. 9月28日. It includes a free lunch, but attendees must register at the link below.

全州乐队海选预备日: 你在试镜全州乐队吗? CMU is hosting All-State B和 Audition Prep Day on November 14 so you can polish the audition material 和 get suggestions from experienced musicians on how to make the final preparations for your audition.

“天使之声”高中高音节日合唱团: 2月8日, 2024The CMU Vox Angelis Festival Choir is a mid-year event designed to rejuvenate 和 inspire your high school treble singers in a festival choir experience. 旨在成为一个包容性的, non-auditioned festival choir experience for treble choir students in grades 9-12, the event will give students the opportunity to work with CMU music faculty with the aim of helping to foster a life-long love of singing with others. 节日在早上八点半开始.m. 最后是下午三点.m. 音乐会. Registration (use the link below) includes music, lunch, 和 a t-shirt.



中央达人秀: 2024年2月22日. Compete for generous scholarship offers at Central’s Got Talent on February 22. We will award two full-tuition scholarships along with significant awards for every musician who performs at CGT. If you are in a praise b和, choir, or b和, sign up to audition by February 1, 2024.

申请/注册, students will be contacted by the Office of 招生 about their acceptance 和 procedures for the event. 家长s 和 families are welcome to attend 和 may watch their student perform. 一整天, we will provide opportunities to see the campus 和 to learn about financial aid, 学生服务, 还有很多其他有用的信息. Note: Full-tuition scholarship winners are required to live on campus.



舞台的中心: 2024年2月22日. 中央舞台表演和剧院设计比赛. 在2024年2月1日之前注册中心舞台. We will award major scholarships to the top three winners in each category. 申请/注册, students may receive an invitation from the Office of 招生 to compete. 活动对家长和家庭开放. They provides opportunities to see the campus 和 learn about financial aid, 学生服务, 还有很多其他有用的信息. Note: Full-tuition scholarship winners are required to live on campus.



音乐节: 2024年3月1日. CMU音乐节面向初高中学生开放. Students can perform vocal or instrumental solos 和 in small or large ensembles. CMU音乐节是MSHSAA批准的活动. 请联系 finearts@chinajxcar.com 了解更多信息. 

戏剧试镜工作坊: Central Methodist University invites high school students to participate in an audition workshop at The Little Theatre. Students will present their audition pieces to a panel of CMU faculty 和 student directors for immediate 和 written feedback. Each student will have a 20-30 minute time slot to present 1-2 monologues 和/or a song. 演唱歌曲的人将有伴奏, if the music is received at least two weeks before the audition workshop. 招生 representatives will also be available to answer questions or tour campus.


了解更多十大博彩平台CMU的信息 音乐节目课外学习的机会.
